Mr. Indika Sanjeewa
Sri Lanka School of Social Work – Lecturer II

Mobile: +94 77 220 9085
I have completed Master of Social Work (MSW) Degree with a Distinction by receiving the GOLD Medal for Best Performer of the batch 2018/2020 at National Institute of Social Development (NISD). I was successfully completed the course work in Master of Arts Degree in Sociology at University of Colombo and research work is going on. I am holding Bachelors of Arts (BA) Special Honour Degree with 2nd Upper Class Division in Sociology at the Department of Sociology in University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in year 2011. I started my academic career after graduating in year 2011. I was appointed as a Tutor in Sociology at the Department of Sociology for Three Academic years. Within three years of period, I have done Lectures according to the C1 from of the Department. Thereafter I was appointed as a Research Assistant (Grade III) at the Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division of National Institute of Social Development (NISD) in year 2014 to up to now. I am working as a Visiting Lecturer and the Resource person for the Universities.
I am a dedicated, organized and methodical individual with healthy interpersonal skills, excellent team work player and keen and very willing to learn and develop new skills as an academician. Accordingly, I am a Reliable and dependable and often seek new responsibilities within a wide range of areas such as Research and Lecturing. I am always trying to Search an active and dynamic approach to work and getting things done.
Educational Qualifications
- Master of Social Work (MSW), National Institute of Social Development, 2018/20
- Master of Arts (MA) (Coursework), University of Colombo, 2014
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Special) (Hons) in Sociology, University of Ruhuna, 2010
Positions Held
- RESEARCH ASSISTANT (Grade III) Social Development Policy, Research & Publications Division, – 2014 to 2023,
- TUTOR & ASSISTANT LECTURER, Department of Sociology, University of Ruhuna, – 2011 – 2014
- සංජීව, ඒ.එච්.අයි.,2023. කොවිඩ් 19 වසංගතය හමුවේ සමාජ වැඩකරුවන්ගේ වෘත්තිය – ජීවිත සමබරතාව. ගම්පහ: සිත් රූ ප්රින්ටර්ස්
Journal articles
The Role of the Social Worker in Social Policy Making Process”, (2021), Sri Lanka Journal of Social Work (Bi Annual Peer Reviewed), Vol 4, Issue 1, Published by Social Development Policy, Research & Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
The Marital Institutional Changes since Pre-Colonial Era in Sri Lanka”, (2019), E-Journal of Social Work (Bi Annual Peer Reviewed), Vol 3, Issue 1, Published by Social Development Policy, Research & Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
සමාජ සුභසාධන කාර්යභාරයේදී සමෘද්ධි සංවර්ධන වැඩසටහනෙහි විභවතාවය, (2019), Sri Lanka Journal of Social Work (Bi Annual Peer Reviewed), Vol 2, Published by Social Development Policy, Research & Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
හඳුනානොගත් නිදන්ගත වකුගඩු රෝගීන්ගේ ජනජීවිතය නංවාලීම සඳහා ගත හැකි ක්රියාමාර්ග පොළොන්නරුව දිස්ත්රික්කයේ ඇලහැර ප්රාෙද්ශීය ලේකම් කොට්ඨාසය ඇසුරින්, (2018), Sri Lanka Journal of Social Work (Bi Annual Peer Reviewed), Vol 1, Published by Social Development Policy, Research & Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
Social Work Perspective on Undue Usage of Psychoactive Substances among School Children”, (2017), E-Journal of Social Work (Bi Annual Peer Reviewed), Vol 1, Issue 1, Published by Social Development Policy, Research & Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
යහපාලන රාජ්යයක් තුළ සිවිල් සමාජයෙහි භූමිකාව, 2016, Samaja Sanhitha, Published by Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
දක්ෂිණ ශ්රී ලංකාවේ කෘෂිකාර්මික හා ධීවර ප්රජාවගේ සමාජ, ආර්ථික ජන ජීවිතයේ ස්වභාවය, 2015, Sri Lanka Journal of Social Work, Published by Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
ජෝර්ජ් සිමෙල් විසින් රචිත “පුරවරය හා මානසික ජීවිතය” (The Metropolis and Mental Life) ලිපිය පිළිබඳ තුලනාත්මක විමසුමක්, 2015, Samaja Sanhitha, Published by Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
‘මානව හිමිකම් තුළ කාන්තා අයිතිවාසිකම් හා එයින් පිළිබිඹු වන සමාජ වැඩ ක්රෙමා්පායන්’, 2015, Sri Lanka Journal of Social Work, Published by Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development.
‘පෞරුෂය පිළිබඳ කෙටි හැඳින්වීමක්: සිග්මන් ප්රොයිඩ්ගේ මනෝවිශ්ලේෂණවාදය ඇසුරින්’ 2012/2013, Prathimana Magazine, Published by Sociology Association, University of Ruhuna.
“The History of Social Work and the Role of Social Workers in Sri Lanka”, (2021), Felicitation Volume, Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 2022 (Forthcoming)
‘ගෝලීයකරණ අභියෝග; සංස්කෘතික වෙනස්වීම් හමුවේ සමාජ වැඩ පරිචයේ ඇති වැදගත්කම’, 2020. Praja Shakthi, Publication Division, Rural Development Training and Research Institute.
“A Conceptual study on Anger”, (2018), Article Published on ‘Chandodaya’, Felicitation Volume for Most Ven. Rev. Ambagaswewe Rahula Thero, Rangiri Dambulu Rajamaha Viharaya, M/G/D Siri Walagamba Maha Piriwena, Dambulla.
“A psychological Study of Sexual Abuse over the Cyberspace”, (2018), Article Published on ‘Upadeshanaa’, Published by the Counseling Department, Ministry of Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage.
නාගරික සංවර්ධනයේදී මුඩුක්කු හා පැල්පත්වාසීන්: නැවත පදිංචි කිරීමේ ක්රියාවලිය පදනම්ව නිර්මාණය වන අභියෝග (2014), Article Published on Rev.Kanumuldeniye Chandawimala Maha Thero Felicitation, Ruhuna Education Circle.
අහිමි කරන ලද මිත්රත්වය මොරවැව අධ්යයනය ඇසුරින් (2010), සමාජ වියමන ඉරා දැමීම, Association of Sociology, University of Ruhuna.
‘A Study on Educational expectations of children who lives in Line-homes’, National Conference on Social Work for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development (NCSW), 13th 14th December, 2017 National Institute of Social Development, Ministry of Social Empowerment, Kandyan Heritage, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya. 2017
‘A Study on Social Adaptation Patterns of Employed Women in Free Trade Zone’, National Symposium on Labour and Employment, Organizing by Ministry of Labour and Trade Unions Relations, Colombo. 2016
‘A Sociological Study of the Relevance of the Regional Official Hierarchy on Reaching Development’, In 11th Academic Sessions, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. 2014
‘Slums, Shanties and Urban Development: The Socio-Economic Problems Emerged from the Relocation Programs’, In 7th Research Conference, Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka. 2014
‘A Sociological Study of the Relevance of the Regional Official Hierarchy on Reaching Development’, In 6th Research Conference, Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka. 2013
A Social Philosophical Study on Gender and Vocational Training of Persons with Disability, International Conference on Gender Disparities- ICGD’23 (Scopus Conference), Center for Gender Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka @ Hotel Ramadha, 7th & 8th July 2023
A Philosophical Study on Skill Development, Asian Congress for Media and Communication (ACMC), International Conference with the theme “Mediated Realities: Challenges and Opportunities,” in partnership with University of Kelaniya and University of the Philippines Diliman 27-29 October 2022
Effectiveness of Inclusive Education: with special reference to Western Province, The 4th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS), Research Centre for Social Sciences (RCSS) of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, November. 2018
Impact on Modern Public Transportation for the Tourism Development in Sri Lanka, The 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS), Research Centre for Social Sciences (RCSS) of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, November. 2016
Undue Usage of Psychoactive Substances which Make Mental and Physical Disorders Among School Children, The Asia- Pacific 1st Announcement International Conference, ICSD, Social Work-Social Development and Sustainable Development Goals, Organized by the Asia-Pacific Branch of the International Consortium for Social Development with Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, September.
Editorial work
- Founding Editor
“Sri Lanka Journal of Social Development” (Refereed Journal), Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, NISD
“E-Journal of Social Work (Bi Annual Peer Reviewed)”, Social Development Policy, Research & Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development. - Editor
“E-Journal of Social Work (Bi Annual Peer Reviewed)”, Published by Social Development Policy, Research & Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development. 2022/2021/ 2020/ 2019/ 2018/ 2017.
“Sri Lanka Journal of Social Work (Bi Annual Peer Reviewed)”, Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, NISD, 2021
“Sri Lanka Journal of Social Development (Refereed Journal)”, Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, NISD. 2016.
“Samaja Sanhitha”, Published by Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development. 2015
Editorial Board Member of Social Work Tri-language Glossary, Published by the National Institute of Social Development, (Ministry of Social Empowerment and Welfare), Nawala Road Rajagiriya. 2016 - Reviewer
“Sri Lanka Journal of Social Development (Refereed Journal)”, Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, NISD. 2016.
“Samaja Sanhitha”, Published by Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division, National Institute of Social Development. 2014/2015
- The Best Portfolio Report, Staff Development Programme for Probationary Lecturers (Cycle 25), 2023, Accredited by the UGC, Staff Development Centre, University of Kelaniya
- Professor Yogambikai Rasanayagam Gold Medal for the Best Overall Performance (Master of Social Work – 2018/2020) by Director General, National Institute of Social Development at BMICH, Colombo 26th July 2022.
- Research Presentation on “A Study on Social Adaptation Patterns of Employed Women in Free Trade Zone” by Honorable Minister W.D.J. Seneviratne, Minister of Labor, National Symposium on Labor and Employment at Hotel Janaki, Colombo 04th November 2016, Organizing by Ministry of Labor and Trade Unions Relations, Colombo – 2016
Teaching (Courses Conducted)
- BSW 223 Human Rights and Social
- BSW 322 Social Policy
- BSW 212 Social Case Work
- BSW 413 Multicultural Social Work Practice and Conflict Resolution
- BSW 314 Social Work Practice and Law
- BSW 323 Research Project
Research Interest
Contemporary Social Issues and Problems Social Welfare and Social Development Marginalized and Vulnerable Groups